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The Ministry of Agrarian Politics of Ukraine

The Ministry of Agrarian Politics of Ukraine

Rivne State Agrarian College






Prepared by …….……………………


Checked by ………………………….



Rivne 2007



Лисяк Оксана Миколаївна викладач англійської мови, спеціаліст другої категорії


Рецензент: Коблюк Р.І. викладач англійської мови, методист



Навчально-методичний посібник з англійської мови “Портфоліо претендента на роботу”, призначений для студентів ІІІ курсу усіх спеціальностей.

Посібник містить теоретичний і практичний матеріал (вправи, тести самовизначення, ділові документи та стислу теоретичну інформацію) з теми “Працевлаштування”. Уся інформація, вміщена у ньому, може бути використана як на практичних заняттях, так і для самостійного опрацювання студентами (як робочий зошит). Запропонований посібник складено відповідно до програми для технікумів з курсу “Іноземна мова”.

Матеріал даного посібника допоможе студентам ознайомитися з усіма “кроками” працевлаштування, навчити заповнювати необхідну при цьому документацію, дослідити ті чи інші риси характеру, і таким чином підготувати себе до такого важливого моменту в житті, як влаштування на роботу.

Посібник розглянуто і затверджено на засіданні циклової комісії гуманітарних дисциплін.

Протокол №_____ від ______________________ 2007року

Голова циклової комісії _____________________ Кристопчук Т.Є.



1. Introduction………………………………………………………………….4

2. Passport ……………………………………………………………………..5

3. About me ……………………………………………………………………6

4. My Career Decision …………………………………………………………7

5. Six Steps in Job Search………………………………………………………8

6. Step 1. Self-evaluation……………………………………………………….9

7. Step 2. Application/Cover Letter……………………………………………13

8. Step 3. Resume/Curriculum Vitae (CV)………….…………………………14

9. Autobiography………………………………………………………………15

10. Step 4. Letter of Recommendation………………………………………...17

11. Step 5. Application Form ………………………………………………….18

12. Step 6. Job Interview ………………………………………………………19

13. Used Literature……………………………………………..………………20



Applicant’s Portfolio is a record of all necessary information for a future applicant including the main steps of Job hunting (Self-evaluating, Application letter, Resume, Letter of recommendation, Application form, Job interview).

Students are to fill it in while working at home as a preparation to the Module “Applying for a Job”.

Among the advantages, an applicant’s portfolio gives a vast range for both formal and informal assessment, which makes the evaluation process more personal, and eventually more valuable for every learner. Furthermore, it offers an opportunity for learners to evaluate their achievement in the theme and in the language in a whole, which makes the idea of applicant’s portfolio even more productive, developing a positive attitude to language learning in general and adding an extra feature in motivation.

The Portfolio is intended to have two main functions: it can aid mobility (by “providing employers with information about potential job applicants) and it can promote learning. The Portfolio grows with the student, reflecting progress made. Many of the students will find that building up a portfolio is in itself a motivating experience.






Date of birth…………………………………………

Place of birth………………………………………...


Mother tongue……………………………………….

Identification code…………………………………..




About Me




My motto is…






These are my interests and hobbies…









These are my strengths…









My Career Decision

No decision is more important than your career decision. Apply the decision-making technique to choosing a career. All decisions require the same steps:

• Define your need or want.

• Analyse your resources.

• Identify your choices.

• Compare the choices.

• Choose the best alternative.

• Make a plan to get started. Clear up how you will get from where you want to be.

• Evaluate your decision.



These are the things which motivate me in my choice of a job

(in the order of importance)



…… good administration and good labour relations

…… good working conditions

…… an adequate wage or salary

…… job security

…… interesting and creative job

…… responsibility

…… benefits

…… authority over others

…… promotion prospects or advancement

…… long vacations

…… communication with people

…… the possibility to realize my skills



Six Steps in Job Search


Your personal information is needed each time you look for a job during your lifetime. If you organize your facts now, you can simply update them as you get more experience.

The following steps will help you to gather all necessary information and make the process of job searching much more easily.

☺Task 1. Put the following steps in job searching into the right order:

…… Job interview

…… Letter of recommendation

…… Resume

…… Self-evaluation

…… Application form

…… Application letter


Task 2. What is easy/difficult for you in job search? Put signs(√) into two columns:

Job searching elements



-Studying at the college (university)




-reading a specialized literature




-visiting employment agencies




-looking for job advertisements in newspapers




-asking people about their professions




-getting the information about the firm you want to work at




-making a decision about the kind of a future work




-to be punctual (in time) for an interview



-to fill in the application form, resume



-to be optimistic





Step 1.Self-evaluation


The employment process begins with self-analysis, so start with:

a) identifying your interests;

b) evaluating your qualifications.

It will help you to realize what you like and dislike, and what kind of work you really want to do.

Task 3. Identify for yourself:

1. What are you looking for: money, power, prestige, growth potential, other motivations?......................................................................................................




2. How important are salary, environment, benefits, and job stability?





3. Do you enjoy working with people, information or things? ………………..




4.What is you idea of:

a) a perfect job?





b) a perfect boss?





c) a perfect colleague?





5. Where do you see yourself professionally in 3 years’ time?





Task4. Answer the questionnaire for a qualified employee in a western company. Put items in A, B, C in order of importance. Discuss your answers with your group mates.

A. Education and Degrees:

__academic degree

__higher education


__foreign languages

__computer literacy

B. Abilities and Skills:






C. Character Traits:






Task5. Do you have the necessary qualities to become a leader or an entrepreneur? Read up and find out.

Tick (√) the statements which you think are true about you.

☼Personality Test 1

•I am self-disciplined and I act quickly when necessary.

•My family supports my ideas and is willing to help with my business.

•I would happily work seven days a week if it interests me.

•I am a confident person and am proud of what I have achieved so far.

•I am determined that I will succeed – hey, the world needs me!

•I see every situation as a chance to win – people often say I am too competitive.

•I quite enjoy taking risks and see problems as opportunities to discover more about a situation.

•I am honest about what I can achieve

•I do not give up when the going gets tough.

•I am patient. I do not expect immediate results.

•I am enthusiastic about my ideas.

•I can motivate people.

•I can work under stress.

•I make decisions carefully.


How did you do? The more you have ticked, the more suited you are to starting your own business. Look closely at the statements which you didn't tick and you still determined to go ahead with your idea?

Say what quantities you think you lack or should develop to become an entrepreneur.


Test 2

Can you become an entrepreneur?

1) Are you active, initiative?

2) Can you overcome difficulties?

3) In you lose, are you able to lose everything and to begin again?

4) Can your hobby help your business?

5) Are you frank and straight for word?

6) Do you have an analytic mind? Can you see the essence of the matter?

7) Can you sell anything? Have you ever tried to do it?

8) Can you sacrifice anything for your business?

9) Are you a creative person? Do you have rich imagination?'

10) Can you use the things which are at hand for some other purposes?'

11) Can you turn a failure into future success?

12) Can you be persistent?

13) Do you know your good and bad qualities?

14) Can you fight with your bad qualities?

15) Money is not your ultimate aim.

16) Are you lonely?

17) Can you share?

18) Are you controversial, stubborn?

19) Do you like to break the rules?

20) Are you ambitious?

The more questions you have answered positively, the more chances you have to become an entrepreneur.

☼Test 3

Are you a follower or a leader?

I. Answer the questions:

1. You're sitting with some colleagues at work and someone says they'd like a
cup of coffee. Do you:

A. Offer to make everyone a cap.

B. Say you'd like one too.

C. Ask the most junior person to make it.

D. Tell the person to get him/ herself one then.
. Your best friend gets promoted at work. How would you react?

A. You'd be very pleased for him/her.

B. You'd ask him/her for advice.

С You'd act pleased but be jealous inside.

D. You'd congratulate him/her for finally catching up with you!

3. You get reprimanded at work or get a bad mark at school. How do you feel?

A: Terrible.

B. Upset, but you understand why.

С You don't let it bother you too much.

D. You refuse to accept it and go to see your boss/ teacher about it.

4. As regards socializing, do your friends:

A. Make the arrangements and phone you with the plan.

B. All decide together.

C. Phone you for the plan. D. It varies.

5. At school, how is/was your general behaviour?

A. Excellent. You worked hard.

B. You appeared to be good, but you were often misbehaving secretly.

C. You were openly loud and badly behaved.

D. Terrible.

6. A friend/ colleague shares a huge secret with you. How tempted are you to tell?

A. You're not tempted.

B. You have to tell your spouse/ best friend.


С You tell everyone about a month later.

D. You tell everyone.

II. Add up your scores and then read the results of your quiz.


1. a-3, b-4, c-l, d-2;

2. a-3, b-4, c-2, d-l;

3. a-2, b-3, c-4, d-l;

4. a-4, b-2, c-3, d-l;

5. a —4, b—3,c —2,d—1;

6. a-4, b-3, c—l,d-2.


6 — 10. You think you'd make a great leader, but in reality you might not. On the positive side, you can see other people's strong points easily. But you can be bossy and you don't always listen to other people. Good leaders are natural listeners and helpers as well as directors.

11 – 15. You might make a good leader. You're sensible and can often see the way to solve problems before others. But you: tend to get very emotional about things. Leaders should approach day-to-day problems coolly, which is what you should do — a little more thought and less emotion, please.

16 — 20. You're a born leader. You're strong and *an assert yourself. Also, you're interested in people and take time to get to know them. But you're not worried about people liking you all the time — you basically do what you know is right. You know how to encourage people when they do something well rather than criticize them when they make a mistake.

21 — 24. You prefer to follow the crowd, but this means that you sometimes put up with things that you shouldn't. It's all right to be a follower; as long as you follow the right people. On the positive side, youre a kind person. But sometimes little rebellion can go a long way. Leaders don't always follow the rules — their instincts are better judges.

☺Task 6. Read the poem “Work while you work” by Edith Segal. Learn it.

Work while you work,

Play while you play,

This is the way to be cheerful and gay.


All that you do,

Do with your might,

Things done by halves,

Are never done right.


One thing each time

And that done well,

Is a very good rule,

As many can tell.


Moments are useless,

When trifled away;

So work while you work

And play while you play.


What thoughts did you have while reading this poem? Share them.


Step 2. Application/Cover Letter

The Cover Letter should always be included when you send your resume or CV for a possible job interview. This letter of application serves the purpose of introducing you and asking for an interview.

Cover Letter Outline

1. Begin your cover letter by placing your address first, followed by the address of the company you are writing to.

2. Use complete title and address; don’t abbreviate.

3. Always make an effort to write directly to the person in charge of hiring.

4. Always sign letters.

Example: Cover Letter

2520 Vista Avenue

Olympia, Washington 98501

March 19, 2006

Mr. Bob Trimm, Personnel Manager Importers Inc. 587 Lilly Road

Dear Mr.Trimm:

I am writing to you in response to your advertisement for Legal Assistant specializing in Port Regulatory Law, which appeared in the “Seattle Times” on Saturday, June 15. As you can see from my enclosed resume, my experience and qualifications match this position requirements.

I especially would like to point out that I graduated from The University of Tacoma and was hired directly in port authority regulations.

During the four years of work in Shoreman and Co., I further deepened my knowledge of the fast changing regulatory laws in our state. My employer also thought highly enough of my abilities to promote me to head legal researcher.

I look forward to an opportunity to personally discuss the position with you.


Kenneth Beare

☺Task 7. Complete the Cover Letter with appropriate words given below:

Apply, position, advertisement, responsibilities, employed, sincerely, enclosed, convenience, invite

Dear Sirs,

I have read your ________________ in the local newspaper “Rivne Vechirnie”.

I_______________ to your company for the _______________ of the purchasing assistant.

I am currently _____________ in the purchasing department of Well & Doode Ltd, where my ___________________ are to cover purchasing of all stationery for the firm.

If you want to ___________ me for the interview, I can come on any day at your _______________.

C.V. ______________

Yours ______________,



Step 3. Resume/Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Resume is a summary of education, work experience, and qualifications. There are two terms which exist in parallel: C.V. (British) or Curriculum Vitae, which comes from Latin and means autobiography, and a resume (American) which is borrowed from French and means a summary. There is no much difference between them except that a resume is usually shorter (one page long) and written by those applicants who have little work experience.

Resume Worksheet

1. Personal Data: Write your name, address, phone number.

2. Objective/Position Applied for: Write the kind of position you are looking for.

3. Experience: Give the names of jobs, places, dates, and description of exactly what you did.

4. Education: List the schools you have attended. Include dates and subject areas you studied, starting with your recent school.

5. Other: List any other information, which you think might be helpful (special skills, hobbies, organizations you are member of, languages you speak)

6. References: List names and addresses of two or three references or write “References available on request”.


Task 8. Fill in the form making your own resume.


_____________________________________________ (Name)

_____________________________________________ (Street Address)

__________________________________________ (City, State, Zip Code)

_____________________________________________ (Telephone №)


Position Objective



















In autobiography a person presents a summary of facts of his or her biography as accepted in Ukraine. It includes:

1. The name of the document.

2. A text where one gives his or her:

• name in full

• date of birth

• place of birth

• summary of education, work experience (in chronological order), personal experience, social activities.

• information about the family

3. Date.

4. Signature

Task 9. Look at the sample autobiography. Writeyour autobiography using it as an example.

Sample autobiography


I, Prokopenko Mariya Olexandrivna, was born on April 29, 1978 in Kyiv in the family of an officer.

In 1985 I became a pupil of the first form of Kaniv secondary school #2 in Ukraine.

When my father entered a Military Academy in Kharkiv in 1986 we moved there and I continued my studies at School #20 till 1989.

Since 1989 till 1995 I studied at Kyiv secondary school #50. in 1995 I entered the Foreign Languages department of the Ukrainian State Pedagogical University after M.P. Drahomanov where I am studying now. I am the monitor of the group 43.


My family.

Father – Prokopenko Olexandr Vasylyovytch, born in 1954, is an officer and works at the Defence Ministry of Ukraine.

Mother – Prokopenko (Kyrylenko) Nataliya Viktorivna, born in 1958, is a music teacher of Kyiv children musical school #32.

Sister – Prokopenko Kateryna Oleksandrivna, born in 1987, is a pupil of the sixth form of Kyiv secondary school #44.


October 10, 1999 /Signature/



My Autobiography





Step 4. Letter of recommendation


Letter of recommendation is written to present an honest evaluation of the applicant personality and to give characteristics of his working abilities and qualifications. Its main aim is to present objective and helpful information about the candidate which is to help in making decision on whether or not to accept a candidate.

Model: Letter of recommendation


Addressee’s name Date



Salutation: (Dear Mr / Ms)

RE: Reference for / Recommendation of (applicant’s name)

Opening: (name of the candidate and the position sought)

Body: (description of qualifications, accomplishments and qualities)

Closing: (summarizing and general evaluation)



Name of a reference

Job title/ position

Phone number/ fax/ e-mail/ address




☺Task 10. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words in the letter of recommendation. Use the following words: confidential, application, charge, to rehire, personality, dear, reference, supervision, team-worker, opinion, asset(цінний), sincerely

20 March, 2007

________ Mr. Wagg

_________________for Lance Oliver


At the request of L.Oliver I submit this _______________ information in support of his ___________________for the position of sales manager. Mr. Oliver served under my _______________as a sales representative. He was in ___________of many customer service programmes.

Mr. Oliver is a good _________________. He got along well with fellow employees and managers.

Mr. Oliver has a most pleasant ___________________. He is polite, tactful and friendly. In my _______________, he would be an ___________to your company. Were he to return to us, we would be glad to ________________him.




Curie Morison, Director

ABC Corporation

Tel.: 221-1617



Step 5. Application form

For many jobs, you will be given an application form to fill in. Application forms vary from company to company; questions on them may be different. The easiest way to be prepared for filling in an application form is to carry a summary of your information with you. Your personal information can be written in a little notebook. You may also take a copy of your resume. People will form an impression about you based on the way you fill in the application form, too. Think over each answer before writing it.

☺Task 11. You want to come to Britain to study English. A college has sent you this application form. Look at the form and fill it in.

Application form A.

Full name____________________________________________________

Home Address_________________________________________________

Telephone number______________________________________________


Date of birth___________________________________________________


Present occupation (if you are a student, say what you are studying)


How long have you been studying English?__________________________



☺Task 12. You came into the office of the company you want to work at. The secretary gave you this application form. Fill it in.

Application form B.



Do you have valid driver’s license Yes No

Marital status………………………………….No.of dependents………………….


Name of School……………………………………………………………………………………………..

Year graduated…………………….Course taken or Degree……………………………………………….


Ukrainian Excellent Good Fair /Russian Excellent Good Fair /English Excellent Good Fair

Experience (Give present or last position first)


Type of business/industry Employed…. (Month &Year)…..

……………………………………… From…………………To…………………..

Position(s) Held………………………..Supervisor’s name………………………..

Describe your duties…………………………………………………………………

Why did you leave…………………………………………………………………...

Personal References



Step 6. Job Interview

A Job Interview isyour opportunity to present your talents to a prospective employer. During the interview, the employer judges your qualifications, appearance, and general fitness (придатність) for the job.

The interview also gives you a chance to evaluate the job, the employer, and the company. It helps you to decide if the job meets your career needs and interests and whether the employer is the kind you want to work for.

You need good preparation before the interview. Three simple guidelines will help you:

•find out as much as possible about the company where you are going for an interview;

•find out if the interview is with one person or with a group of people, and what their jobs are;

•make a check-list of the questions you want to ask at the interview.

☺Task 13. Read and translate the dialogue (between the employer and the applicant). Dramatize it.


A: I am out of work. Every day I look through the “Help Wanted ” column of our daily newspaper. I know that your firm is in need of an employee.

E: What kind of job are you applying for?

A: I would like to work as a typist.

E: How do you fit into the job situation?

A: I have a good command of English. I can type, can work on computer.

E: Do you have skills to work with people?

A: Yes, I do. I am communicative, polite and attentive to other people. If you take me, I’ll work very hard.

E: I offer you to work as a secretary/typist.

A: Oh, it suits me. What is the salary?

E: 1000 hryvnias.

A: How many hours shall I work a day?

E: You will have a 6-hour working day.

A: Do you have a paid vacation?

E: Yes. We do.

A: Thank you very much. When may I start to work?

E: If it is possible, you can start tomorrow.

A: All right. I take up your job offer.


Used Literature:



1. Буданов С.І., Борисова А.О. Business English. Ділова англійська мова.-Харків: «Торсінг Плюс», 2005.- 128.

2. Науменко Л.П. Business English Course: Бизнес-курс английского языка.- К.: А.С.К., 2005.-448с.

3. Овчиннікова Л.П. 11 уроків ділової англійської мови. – Х.: «Основа»,2004.- 144с.

4. Рахманська С.Д. Practical approach to teaching English. Практичний підхід до викладання англійської мови. Посібник. – Тернопіль: «Астон», 2003.-100с. 5. Тамбовская Л.Е. Как эффективно устроиться на работу в иностранную компанию.- М.: АСТ: Восток-Запад, 2005.-106с.

6. Федотова О.Л. Бизнес на английском языке: Учеб. пособие. -М.: Изд-во «Экзамен», 2003.

7. Language Skills. Business Letter Writing/ English- #5, 2006.

8. Liz & Joan Soars Headway-Intermediate.- Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.

9. Nikonchuk A. Applying for a job/ English: «Шкільний світ»-#5, 2006.

10. Wilson H. & Urazova E. Language Learner’s Portfolio: Emotional Intelligence kit. -Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.







Навчально-методичний посібник з англійської мови “Портфоліо претендента на роботу”, укладений викладачем англійської мови Лисяк О.М., призначений для студентів ІІІ курсу усіх спеціальностей.

Посібник містить теоретичний і практичний матеріал (вправи, тести самовизначення, ділові документи та стислу теоретичну інформацію) з теми “Працевлаштування”. Автор правильно і доречно дібрав назву посібника, яка відповідає змісту. Уся інформація, вміщена у ньому, відповідає сучасним стандартам і може бути використана як на практичних заняттях, так і для самостійного опрацювання студентами. Запропонований посібник складено відповідно до програм для технікумів з курсу “Іноземна мова”.

Матеріал даного посібника допоможе студентам ознайомитися з усіма “кроками” працевлаштування, навчити заповнювати необхідну при цьому документацію, дослідити ті чи інші риси характеру, і таким чином підготувати себе до такого важливого моменту в житті, як влаштування на роботу.


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