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Is a process of cognition thyself, your potential and actual characteristics, personality, mental abilities, personality traits, your relationships with others, etc.

Self knowledge



Chapter #1




Self knowledge

Is a process of cognition thyself, your potential and actual characteristics, personality, mental abilities, personality traits, your relationships with others, etc.




Is a psychodynamic principle that, in its most basic sense, is simply an emotional release




Is a sphere which is not recognized by an individual as his own, but it really exists it is integral part of his self




Is the ability to find support for yourself and not in others, the ability to take responsibility



‘The Real I’

Is a system of representations of themselves, their feelings, thoughts, aspirations, etc.

«Реальная я»


‘The ideal I’

Is what people would like to be, their experience and depth of experience.

«идеальная Я"


Physical identity

A bodily organization of man and all that belongs to the person or of his environment: clothes, family, home, income, etc.

Физическая личность


Social identity

Is recognized in our personality from other people

Социальная личность


Spiritual identity

Is a complete union of separate states of consciousness, specifically made spiritual abilities and properties

Духовная личность


A biological individual

Is characterized by certain person by the constitution, the type of nervous system, brain neurodynamic properties, a variety of biological needs

Биологический индивид


Social individual

The ability to explore the world around us, acquires the knowledge, skills, norms and rules of conduct

Социальный индивид



The ability to make choices, to build their way of life, to coordinate their behavior in the system of relations with other peoples



Personal-characterological features

The quality of personality and character traits, which is expressed in relation to others to work, study to themselves, to things

Персональные - характерологические особенности


Motivational and value-sphere of personality

Self own motives, interests, values that define the activities and behavior

Ценносно-мотвационная сфера


Emotional and volitional personality

The knowledge of the emotional states, the dominant felling, ways of responding to stressful situations, ability to mobilize, to demonstrate tenacity, perseverance, commitment, etc.

Эмоциональная и волевая личность


Cognitive sphere of personality

The awareness and understanding of the functioning of mental processes: perception, memory, thoughts, imagination, properties and qualities of the mind, mindfulness, ways to deal with life and professional goals

Когнитивная сфера личности


Open area

This cell includes all the factors upon which I and others have mutually shared perceptions



Unknown area

In this cell are the factors that I do not see in myself nor do others see them in me



Hidden area

In this cell are factors that I see in myself but that I hide from others – people sees a ‘false me’ and I must always be on guard not to let them see the ‘real me’



Blind are

In this cell are factors that other people perceive in me but that I do not see in myself.

Мертвая зона



Chapter #2




Self awareness

Is arguably the most fundamental issue in psychology, from both a developmental and an evolutionary perspective



Self obliviousness

Infants do not come to the world with the exclusive expression



Differentiated self

Is the first sign that the individual is not oblivious of mirrors as reflection

Дифференциация себя


Situated self

The individual aware that what is seen is ‘out there’, on a surface that is spatially situated in relation to the body

Расположения себя


Identified self

There is an identity relation between the self as experienced from within and what is displayed on the polished surface on the mirror

Опознавать себя в


Permanent self

An entity that is represented as invariant over time and appearance changes

Долговременное восприятия себя


Self conscious self

An entity that is simulated and projected in the mind of others




Chapter #3




Pleasure principle

Id operates according this principle which is the desire for immediate gratification



Primary process of thinking

Is thinking without logical rules of conscious thought or an anchor in reality

Первичный процесс мышления


Wish fulfillment

Temporary satisfaction of the id urges by creating a mental image or fantasy of the object

исполнения желаний



Is the most primitive part of the human mind, sours of all drive and urges




A part of the mind that constrains the id to reality




The part of the mind that internalized the values, morals, and ideals of society



Reality principle

Desire to postpone the direct expression of id impulses until an appropriate situation arises

Восприятие реальности


Secondary process thinking

Development of strategies for solving problems and obtaining satisfaction by: constraining physical reality, understanding when and how to express a desire or an urge

Вторичный процесс мышления



Is an unpleasant state, which acts as a signal that things are not right and something must be done




Chapter #4




Defense mechanisms

Efforts to defend oneself from anxiety

Защитный механизм


Objective anxiety

Fear, occurs in response to a real, external threat

Объективная тревога


Neurotic anxiety

Occurs when there is a direct internal conflict between the id and the ego

Нервная тревога


Moral anxiety

Caused by a conflict between the ego and the super ego

Моральная тревога



Pushing down unwanted ideas into the unconscious and keeping them there




Refusing to see the facts when the reality of a situation is extremely anxiety-provoking



The fundamental attribution error

The tendency to blame events outside one’s control for failure, but to accept responsibility for success

Фундаментальная ошибка атрибуции




An unacceptable impulse is redirected from its original source to a nonthreatening target





Involves generation acceptable reasons for outcomes that might appear socially unacceptable



Reaction formation

An attempt to suppress the expression of an unacceptable urge and display the behavior that indicates the opposite impulse

реактивное образование




Sometimes we see in others the traits and desires we find most upsetting in ourselves. We ‘project’ our own unacceptable qualities onto others



False consensus effect

Tendency many people have to assume that others are similar to them

Эффект ложного консенсуса




Channeling of unacceptable aggressive instincts into socially desired activities








Chapter 5




Social comparison

Is the evaluation of oneself or one’s performance in terms of a comparison with a reference group

Социальное сравнение


Private self-concept

Is th major but often difficult development in the growth of the self concept

Личная самооценка


Perspective taking

The ability to take the perspective of others, or to see oneself as others do, to step outside of oneself and imagine how one appears to other people

Перспективное состояние


Objective self-awareness

Seeing oneself as an object of other’s attention

Объективное самосознание



Refers to the specific knowledge structure or cognitive representation of the self concept



Possible selves

Describe the many ideas people have about who they might become, who they hope become, or who they fear they will become

Возможная я


Ideal self

The possible self which is what persons themselves want to be

Идеальная я


Ought self

The possible selves which is persons’ understanding of what others want to be

Предполагаемый я



Standards that one uses to organize information and motivate appropriate behavior




Chapter 6





Having many roles and many aspects to our self concept

Самостоятельно сложности


Defensive pessimism

Is a strategy in which a person facing a challenge, such as an upcoming test, expects to do poorly

Положительная Сила негативного мышления



Self handicapping

Is a process in which a person deliberately does the things that increase the probability that she or he will fail




Self-esteem variability

is an indicator of vulnerability to stressful life events

Соотношение самооценки изменчивости личности



Chapter 7





Means that people can count on you to be the same person tomorrow as you are today





Means that your social identity differentiates you from other people



Identity crisis

Means the feeling of anxiety that accompany efforts to define or redefine one’s own individuality and social reputation

Кризис идентичности



Identity deficit

Arises when a person has not formed an adequate identity and thus has trouble making major decision

Определения личности дефицита


Identity conflict

Involves an incompatibility between two or more aspects of identity

Идентичность конфликт




Chapter 8




Need for achievement

Defined as the desire to do better, to be successful, and to feel competent

Потребность в достижении



Independence training

Parent can behave in whys that promote autonomy and independence in their children

Становление самостоятельным


Need for power

Readiness or preference for having an impact on other people

Потребность в мощности



Responsibility training

Parents’ behavior that promote responsibility and taking care of others in their children

Становление ответственным


Power stress

The stress which is shown by people who high on nPow when they do not get their way



Need for Intimacy

Desire for warm and fulfilling relationship with others, more meaningful human contact in their day to day lives

Потребность в близости



Chapter 9




Humanistic tradition

An emphasis on conscious awareness of needs, choice, and personal responsibility

Гуманистические традиции


Self actualization

Is the process of becoming “more and more what one idiosyncratically is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming”



Physiological needs

Need that are of prime importance to the immediate survival of the individual

Физиологические потребности


Safety needs

Have to do with shelter and security, such as having a place to live and being free from the threat of danger

Потребность в безопасности


Belongingness needs

Modern society provides fewer opportunities for satisfying this need than it did in the past

Потребность в принадлежности и любви


Esteem needs

Want to be seen by others as competent, as strong, as able to achieve

Потребность в уважении


Self-actualization need

The need to develop one’s potential, to become the person one was meant to be.

Потребность в самоактуализаций


Fully functioning person

The person who is on his or her way toward self actualization

Полноценно Функционирующая Личность



Conditions of worth

The requirements set forth by parents or significant others for earning their positive regard



Conditional positive regard

Positive regard, when it must earned by meeting certain condition

условия ценности


Unconditional positive regard

When parents and others accept the child without conditions, communicating as they love and value him

Принятие человека таким какой он есть


Positive self regard

Changing one’s self concept to incorporate the experience

позитивное внимание к себе


Emotional intelligence

Ability to know one’s own emotion, regulate this emotion.

Эмоциональный интеллект



Is the result of having an experience that does not fit with one’s self-concepton.





A less functional response to anxiety is to alter the experience by using defense mechanism




Chapter 10





Is the self’s capacity for altering its behavior



Urges or impulses

Represent an inclination to respond a certain way in a particular situation on a particular occasion

Побуждение или импульс


Ego depletion

Refers to a state in which the self does not have all the resources it has normally

Истощение эго



Is the self regulatory strength

Сила воли



Chapter 11




Arousal level

The state which can define basically being alert, physically and mentally

Уровень возбуждение



Difference between introverts and extraverts by their arousal



Reinforcement sensitivity theory

An influential alternative biological theory of personality

Теория усиления чувствительности


Behavioral activation system (BAS)

Hypothesized biological system in the brain which is responsive to incentives and reward

Система активации поведения



Behavioral inhibition system

Hypothesized biological system in the brain which is responsive to punishment, uncertainty

Система Торможение поведения




the inability to inhibit responses



Sensation seeking

Is another dimension of personality postulated to have a physiological basis

Поиск ощущений



Sensory deprivation

Losing of all senses

Сенсорная депривация


Optimal level of arousal

A level that is just right for any given task

Оптимальный уровень возбуждения



Chapter 12




Situation selection

Decision points that direct us to choose one path and avoid another

Выбор ситуаций


Complementary needs theory

Postulates the people are attracted to those who have different personality dispositions than they have

Комплементарная теория потребности


Attraction similarity theory

Postulates the people are attracted to those who have similar personality characteristics

Теория сходства



Is defined by a tendency to feel tense, worried, or anxious during social interactions or even when anticipating a social interaction




The way in which features of personality elicit reactions from others



Hostile attrebutional bias.

Tendency to infer hostile intent on the part of others in the face of uncertain or unclear behavior from them

Склонность к приписыванию враждебности


Expectancy confirmation

Self fulfilling prophesy/peoples’s beliefs about the personality characteristics of other cause them to evoke in others actions that are consistent with the initial belief



Дата добавления: 2015-11-04; просмотров: 21 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Диптих (две повести) одного из самых интересных английских прозаиков поколения сорокалетних. Первая книга Уилла Селфа, бывшего ресторанного критика, журналиста и колумниста Evening Standard и 13 страница | Уилл Селф (р. 1961) — журналист, бывший «ресторанный критик», обозреватель известных лондонских газет «Ивнинг стандард» и «Обсервер», автор романов «Кок'н'Булл» (Cock and Bull, 1992), «Обезьяны» 1 страница

mybiblioteka.su - 2015-2024 год. (0.067 сек.)