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Describing Character. Character traits (черты характера)

Character traits (Черты характера)

Первое очень хорошее слово- это PERSONALITY -личность.

OPPOSITES (Противоположности)

Warm and friendly (теплый, дружелюбный) Cold and unfriendly
Kind (добрый) Unkind
Nice, pleasant (милый) Horrible, unpleasant (ужасный)
Generous (happy to give, share) (щедрый) Mean (never gives to others) (злой, жадный)
Optimistic (thinks positively) Pessimistic (thinks negatively)
Cheerful (happy and smiling) (радостный) Miserable (always seems unhappy) (унылый)
Relaxed and easy-going (добродушный) Tense (nervous, worries a lot) (напряженный)
Strong (сильный характер) Weak (слабый)
Sensitive (чувствительный) Insensitive (черствый)
Honest (always tells the truth) честный Dishonest
Polite (вежливый) Impolite


Examples: (примеры употребления)
She is very tense at the moment because of her troubles at work, usually she is relaxed and easy-going about most things.

In St. Petersburg we are influenced by weather a lot. When it's sunny we feel cheerful and optimistic, when it's cold and raining we all feel miserable.

They seemed a bit unfriendly at first, but when I got to know them they are very warm and kind.

Amber told me that the new-haircut doesn't siut me at all. I still think that it was insensitive of her to tell me this, but at least she was honest.

CHARACTER IN ACTION (Характер в действии)


Hard-Working (трудолюбивый) Lazy
Punctual (always on time) Not very punctual
Reliable (можно положиться) Unreliable (you can't trust, depend on this person)
Clever, bright (умный, блестящий ум) Stupid, Thick (тупой,непробиваемый)
Flexible (способный подстроиться) Inflexible (непреклонный, упрямый)
Ambitious (амбициозный) Unambitious
Sociable (коммуникабельный) Uncommunicative (необщительный)
Logical(логичный,рассудительный) Reckless (беспечный,необдуманный) Materialistic (практичный, меркантильный) Idealistic


Shy - стеснительный
Self-confident - самоуверенный
Reserved - сдержанный, замкнутый, сам в себе
Emotional - эмоциональный To be emotional (расчувствоваться)
Sensible - благоразумный, здравомыслящий
Common sense (здравый смысл)
Ex: She is sensible. She has a lot of common sense and has never done a stupid thing in her life.
Patient - терпеливый
Fair - справедливый
Respectful - уважительный
Courageous - храбрый
Caring - заботливый, внимательный.
Ex: My husband is really caring. He spoils me with flowers and restaurants.
Stubborn – упрямый, непреклонный
Sympathetic - сочувственный, сопереживающий
Tolerant – терпимый, толерантный
Selfish - эгоистичный
Persistent – настойчивый, упорный, стойкий
Competitive - соперничающий, конкурентный
Conservative - консервативный, традиционный
Conventional – обычный, общепринятый, традиционный
Emotional - эмоциональный, трогательный, волнующий
Proud - гордый, обладающий чувством собственного достоинства
Romantic - романтичный, фантастический, утопический
Serious - серьезный, глубокомыслящий
Sentimental - сентиментальный, чувствительный

How would you desribe a person in each of the situations?

1. He never bought me a drink all the time we were together.
2. I have to tell her what to do every minute of the day. She won't even open a window without somebody's permission.
3. He often promises to do things, but half the time he forgets.
4. She's always here on time.
5. I don't think he's done any work since the time he's been here.
6. She finds it difficult to meet people and talk to strangers
7. He could work in any of the departments and it doesn't matter to him if he works on his own or as part of the team.
8. Bob always makes people angry and upset because je just doesn't consider their feelings.
9. One of the great things about her is that she is so awayre of what other people think and feel.
10. The other thing about her is that she really wants to become a head of the sales department and then become a financial director.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-04; просмотров: 30 | Нарушение авторских прав

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