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иметь хорошие отношения (с кем-л.)









Hit off


иметь хорошие отношения (с кем-л.)

To have good relationships

To get along

We hit it off straight away.



а) презренный; ничтожный; жалкий б) ничтожно маленький

meagre in quality or quantity


I get a measly £4 an hour.



1) тощий, худой

2) постный, содержащий небольшое количество жира

3) скудный, бедный, обеднённый

1) having no surplus flesh or bulk; not fat or plump

2) not bulky or full

3) having little or no fat

4) not rich, abundant, or satisfying

thin, scanty, poor

The tower is leaning dangerously.

He was tall, lean and handsome.

The company recovered well after going through several lean years.



превышение кредита (в банке)

a draft or withdrawal of money in excess of the credit balance on a bank or building-society cheque account


to run up / pay off an overdraft



1) вещественный, материальный, осязаемый

2) ясный; ощутимый, заметный; отчётливый, реальный

1) capable of being touched or felt; having real substance

2) capable of being clearly grasped by the mind; substantial rather than imaginary

palpable, material clear, lucid, distinct, plain, evident

The tension between them was almost tangible.

tangible assets



а) тащить, тянуть (сети, снасти); трелевать (лес); буксировать, оттаскивать

б) везти, перевозить; транспортировать; заниматься коммерческими перевозками

1) to drag or draw smth with effort

2) to transport, as in a lorry

drag, pull, tow, tug

The wagons were hauled by horses.

She hauled herself out of bed.

He was hauled up before the local magistrates for dangerous driving.



сильно бить, колотить; избивать (кого-л.)

to hit (someone or something) repeatedly using heavy blows, as with a club or other heavy instrument; beat heavily

beat up, work over, smash

She battered at the door with her fists.

He had been badly battered about the head and face.

Somebody had battered her to death.

Line up


строить, выстраивать (в линию, в очередь)

to stand in a line or row; to form a queue / line


Line up, children!

Cars lined up waiting to board the ship.

Pare down


сокращать, урезать

to gradually reduce the size or amount

Curtail, shorten, abridge

The training budget has been pared back to a minimum.

The workforce has been pared to the bone.



урезывать (что), экономить на (чём-л.)

o try to spend less time, money, etc. on sth than is really needed

Economize, save

Older people should not skimp on food or heating.



1.испуг, беспокойство, волнение, смятение

2. лишать мужества, силы духа, решимости; пугать; приводить в смятение

1) to fill with apprehension or alarm

2) to fill with depression or discouragement

3) consternation or agitation

Perturbation, appall, horrify

She could not hide her dismay at the result.

He looked at her in dismay.

To her dismay, her name was not on the list.



снисходительный; мягкий; терпимый

not as strict as expected when punishing sb or when making sure that rules are obeyed

Syn: indulgent, lax, merciful, permissive, tolerant, soft, smooth


Ant: exacting, rigid, severe, stern, strict

The judge was far too lenient with him.

Stock up


запасаться накапливать

to fill sth with goods, food, etc.


We need to stock up the freezer.


(to have a good rapport with smb)


хорошие взаимоотношения, взаимопонимание, понимание; согласие

a friendly relationship in which people understand each other very well

mutual understanding

She understood the importance of establishing a close rapport with clients.

To get one’s bearings



Провести ориентировку на местности, ориентироваться

to make yourself familiar with your surroundings in order to find out where you are or to feel comfortable in a place

orientate oneself

He got his bearings.


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