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Observing for musical instructing session.

Observing for musical instructing session.


On 17 th of January, I had a really good opportunity to observe musical session by my classmate-Eve. It was our first time, then we are trying or also I can say holding our musical instructing lesson. Actually, it was nor so long, as we done before in our ITPE lesson, but still it was harder, because we have music, so our voice should be loud and of course other aspects, but I will write later about all of them.

So, as I already said, I was observing Eve. Firstly, I would like to tell some words about her role as an instructor. So, her movements were really great and in my opinion they suit for our topic/main idea. Also, I would like to say about her performance. Her voice was really good, it was loud, of course Eve was smiling all the time, while she was instructing. Definitely, she has communication with the participants many times she motivated them during her session. Moreover, Eve has very good eye contact with our classmates. That’s why I put mark 4 for her “instructor role”, because there were few small mistakes, but still it was really good.

Secondly, I would like to say about her instruction. So, Eve has 2 parts of her “lesson”. First one was, basic steps such as step touch, double step, double step touch and so on. During her first and second parts, Eve moved in the rhythm and her new movements always started immediately one after another. Of course, Eve gave a really good verbal instructions and she also used mirror image as well, so all participants understood what they should do and which direction they should follow. But, as our teacher already mentioned, Eve started to do movements following the right rhythm only in her second part, also she added that during her second part she felt more confident. But as for me, right now I can’t get this idea about the right rhythm, so I can’t judge her. For me, as a judge everything was good, actually it was looking good all the time, so. But still, I put for Eve’s instruction part grade 3, because, as mentioned earlier she followed the right rhythm only during her second part.

To sum up, I would like to say, that this musical exercise lessons helped us to evaluate our instructor abilities and to get to know different parts of sport, which we have nowadays. Klasha Bukina


Дата добавления: 2015-11-04; просмотров: 27 | Нарушение авторских прав

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