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The company avoids bankruptcy by focusing on taxes

The company avoids bankruptcy by focusing on taxes

The workforce of one of the largest mass market tax advice firm has soared from 5000 to 100000. The enterprise became profitable last year, its share value boosting by more than 60%. This increase was due to returning to tax advice, ending its expansion by using such financial products/instruments as investment and subprime mortgages. Furthermore the company agreed to compensate / refund/ recover to the clients 11 millions to settle a case in court.

The company is also trying to improve its online offering to compete better with TT by offering more support to clients via the Internet, attracting higher-income clients.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-04; просмотров: 24 | Нарушение авторских прав

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 | Childhood is a time of joy and innocence for most people: for others, life turns violent and so do they. Criminal acts of young persons are referred to broadly as juvenile delinquency. In some

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