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Unit ___. Cancellation of a contract.




A contract cancellation letter is written with an intent of informing a service provider about your decision of canceling the contract or any such contractual services and informing about not requiring the service in future.

It could be any kind of contract, an insurance policy, a magazine subscription, a cable facility or any other service. The format of a cancellation letter mostly remains the same, with only the content of the letter changing. The only possible variable factor in a contract cancellation letter is the content of the letter which varies depending on the contract or policy type.

While writing letters such as a contract cancellation letter, one must directly point out the issue or the reason behind writing the letter. Put your request forward to cancel the contract and explain in detail the reason of cancellation. Although, it is not mandatory to highlight the reason of cancellation, it could be helpful for the company to understand the reasons of why the customers are terminating or canceling the contract.

If your reason of canceling the contract is influenced by a better offer available elsewhere, then do mention the name of the company offering the service. So, that the company that you are canceling the contract with does not convince or bother you in future to continue with their service.

Mention the registration number/ account number so that the reader can identify you and the other details pertaining to your contract.

You should use polite and firm language for notifying other party regarding your decision of cancelling the contract. You can request a correspondence from the party confirming that the cancellation of contract is accepted.

Given below is a contract cancellation letter template that could help you to understand the essentials that need to be mentioned in a contract cancellation letter.




TO: ________________________________


Notice is hereby given that we cancel our contract dated for the sale of (description of goods) to (name of firm) for the following reason.


That on (date), you breached said contract in the following respect: ….


Cancellation of said contract is effected in respect to that certain installment delivered on (date), and for any subsequent delivery of goods, contracted for in said contract, inasmuch as your breach impairs the contract as a whole.


(We claim damages from you in the amount of $ ….)


Dated:_____________ __________________




a service provider

поставщик услуг; обслуживающая компания

contractual services

услуги по контрактам; договорные услуги; подрядные услуги; обслуживание по контрактам


производственные помещения; учреждение

a cable facility

средства кабельной связи

to terminate / to cancel the contract

аннулировать контракт

to pertain to smth

иметь отношение к (чему-л.)

a written acceptance

подтверждение получения письма о расторжении договора в письменной форме

confirmation letter



I. Translate the Letters of Cancellation of the Contract into Russian.

Text A.


Walter E Smith

Commodity Harbour Corp.

5821 K-Street

Middle Village NY 11377


13th May, 2012



Stephen M Jones

3574 Orange Circle

Dallas TX 75000


Dear Mr. Stephen,

Subject: Cancellation of contract of carrier service effective from July 15th, 2012.

This letter is to inform you regarding the cancellation of business group contract that we had with your carrier services effective from September 13th, 2010. I request you to inform all your concerned staff regarding this contract cancellation decision at your earliest convenience. The main reason for cancellation of contract is the relocation of our entire facility to Japan with effective from 17 July 2012. I request you to please take all the necessary actions as soon as possible.

Please consider this contract cancellation letter as our notice letter for cancelling the contract between our companies on good terms. As per section 5A Sub Category 3C of our original agreement, this cancellation of contract is permissible and completely legal.

Feel free to contact me for any clarifications needed. I hope you will take appropriate measures as per my request.

Best regards,


Walter E Smith

Text B.


Nicholas F. Black

Manager, MCH Corp.

3 Uptown Ave.,

Los Angeles, CA

(457) XXX-XXXX


Date: April, 23, 2009.



Benjamon A. White

Manager, Water Corp.

5 Downtown Ave.,

Los Angeles, CA

(457) XXX-XXXX


Subject: Contract cancellation


Dear Mr. White,

This letter serves as a notice of cancellation of my contract with your agency effective December 1, 2008. I have made this decision because your deliveries these past few months are late and it has caused so much trouble on our part. It is stipulated in our contract that it can be cancelled in the event that expected quality of service is not met thus I am cancelling it.

As agreed we will be settling all of our accounts before the end of this month. I hope that you understand this decision since we have entered into a contract, wherein we are expected to deliver the best service that is due to each other the best way we can and failure to do so will merit its cancellation. I am positive that there is more that you can do to improve your service and we will be happy to engage in a contract with you when that time comes. Thank you so much for the wonderful business relationship that our companies have.

Sincerely Yours,

Nicholas F. Black


II. Translate the sentences into English


1. В деятельности предприятий нередко возникает необходимость расторжения или изменения ранее заключенных договоров.

2. Расторжение договора может происходить по воле двух сторон или по требованию одной из сторон.

3. Существенное изменение обстоятельств, из которых стороны исходили при заключении договора, является основанием для его изменения или расторжения, если иное не предусмотрено договором или не вытекает из его существа.

4. Соглашение об изменении или о расторжении договора совершается в той же форме, что и договор, если из закона, иных правовых актов, договора или обычаев делового оборота не вытекает иное.

5. Договор может считаться соответственно расторгнутым или измененным при одностороннем отказе от исполнения договора полностью или частично, когда такой отказ допускается законом или соглашением сторон.

6. Наделение сторон столь широкой возможностью определять судьбу договора составляет одно из прямых выражений договорной свободы: те, кто обладают правом по собственной воле заключать договор, должны быть в принципе столь же свободны в вопросах о его расторжении или изменении отдельных договорных условий.

7. Два разных варианта отказа от договора в законе — с отсылкой к решению суда и без такой отсылки — могут быть предусмотрены для одного и того же договора.

8. Из двух возможных вариантов решения суда — о расторжении договора или об его изменении — приоритет отдается первому.

9. Требование об изменении или о расторжении договора может быть заявлено стороной в суд только после получения отказа другой стороны на предложение изменить или расторгнуть договор.

10. Требование об изменении или о расторжении договора может быть заявлено стороной в суд только после неполучения ответа в срок, указанный в предложении или установленный законом либо договором, а при его отсутствии - в 30-дневный срок.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-04; просмотров: 36 | Нарушение авторских прав

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