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АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК для школьников 17 страница


Упражнение 368

Замените придаточные предложения инфинитив­ными оборотами.

• Е.д. Не is so old that he cannot skate. He Is too old to skate.

1. The problem is so difficult that it is impossible to solve it. 2. The box is so heavy that nobody can carry it. 3. The baby is so little that it cannot walk.

He is so weak that he cannot lift this weight.

She is so busy that she cannot talk with you.

She was so inattentive that she did not notice the mistake. 7. The rule was so difficult that they did not understand it. 8. He was so stupid that he did not see the joke. 9. She has got so fat that she cannot wear this dress now. 10. The accident was so terrible that I don't want to talk about it. 11. They were so empty-headed that they could not learn aSingle thing. 12. The window was so dirty that they could not see through it. 13. She was so foolish that she could not understand my explanation. 14.1 have very little wool: it won't make a sweater.

Запомните следующие устойчивые словосочетания с инфинитивом:

to cut а long story short — короче говоря

to teil (you) the truth — сказать (вам) по правде

to say nothing of — не говоря уже о

to put it mildly — мягко выражаясь

to say the least of it — по меньшей мере

Запомните следующие предложения:

The book leaves а lot to be desired. — Книга остав­ляет желать лучшего.

Не is difficult to deal with. — С ним трудно иметь дело.

Не is hard to please. — Ему трудно угодить. She is pleasant to look at. — На нее приятно смот­реть.

Упражнение 369

Переведите на английский язык, употребляя устой­чивые словосочетания с инфинитивом.

1. Для начала она открыла все окна. 2. С моим соседом трудно иметь дело. 3. По правде говоря, я очень устал. 4. Его поведение оставляет желать лучшего. 5. Мягко выражаясь, вы меня удивили. 6. На этих детей приятно посмотреть. 7. Короче говоря, они поженились. 8. Самая известная книга Джерома — «Трое в лодке, не считая собаки». 9. Вам трудно угодить. 10. По меньшей мере, мы были удивлены. 11. Мягко выражаясь, она была невежлива. 12. Ваша работа оставляет желать лучшего. 13. Сказать по правде, я не люблю бокс. 14. Вашей сестре трудно угодить. 15. Начнем с того, что я занят. 16. На него было приятно смотреть. 17. Короче говоря, он не сдал экзамен. 18. Мы все

to begin with — начнем с того, что

были рады, не говоря уже о маме: она сказала, что это самый счастливый день в ее жизни. 19. Твое сочинение оставляет желать лучшего. 20. Это очень странно, по меньшей мере.


Обратите внимание на отсутствие союза чтобы

перед инфинитивом в роли обстоятельства цели:

То get this book, you must

Чтобы получить эту книгу,

go to the library.

вы должны пойти в библио-



Запомните следующие предложения:

1 have nothing to read.

— Мне нечего читать.

She has nobody

— Ей не с кем поговорить.

to speak to.


What is to be done?

— Что делать?

Who is to blame?

— Кто виноват?

1 am not to blame.

— Я не виноват.

To see is to believe.

— Видеть значит верить.

He was the first (last)

— Он пришел первым

to come.


It is out of the question

— Не может быть и речи

to go there.

о том, чтобы идти туда.


Упражнение 370

Переведите на английский язык, употребляя устой­чивые словосочетания с инфинитивом.

1. Сказать по правде, мне это не нравится. 2. Им было нечего есть. 3. Кто виноват? 4. Короче говоря, он не сделал урок. 5. В нашей семье мама всегда встает первая. 6. На нее приятно смотреть. 7. Чтобы перевести эту статью, вы должны вое­пользоваться словарем. 8. Мне некуда ехать летом. 9. О том, чтобы купаться в этой реке, не могло быть и речи. 10. Ему было не с кем обсудить эту про­блему. 11. Вчера Катя пришла в школу последней. 12. Чтобы получить хорошую оценку, вы должны упорно поработать. 13. С ней трудно иметь дело. 14. Что делать? 15. Начнем с того, что он болен. 16. Чтобы читать Диккенса в оригинале, вы долж­ны хорошо знать язык. 17. Мягко выражаясь, он не прав. 18. Она была не виновата. 19. Ребенку не с кем играть. 20. Увидеть — значит поверить. 21. Что­бы успеть на этот поезд, вы должны поторопиться. 22. Не может быть и речи о покупке машины в этом году. 23. Книга оставляет желать лучшего.

I am glad to help you. — Рад помочь. (Рад, что я помогаю). I am glad to be helped. — Рад, что мне помогают.

Упражнение 371

Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на Active Infinitive и Passive Infinitive.

1. То play chess was his greatest pleasure. 2. The child did not like to be washed. 3. Isn't it natural that we like to be praised and don't like to be scolded? 4. Which is more pleasant: to give or to be given presents? 5. Nature has many secrets to be discovered yet. 6. To improve your pronunciation you should record yourself and analyse your speech. 7. This is the book to be read during the summer holidays. 8. To



Сравните употребление Active Infinitive и Passive Infinitive to write — to be written

be instructed by such а very experienced specialist was a great advantage. 9. He is very forgetful, but he doesn't like to be reminded of his duties.



Сравните употребление Indefinite Infinitive и Perfect Infinitive to write — to have written

I am glad to see you. — Рад видеть вас. (Рад, что вижу вас.) I am glad to have seen you. — Рад, что повидал вас.



Упражнение 372

Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на Perfect Infinitive.

1 moved — зд. растроган.

1. The child was happy to have been brought home. 2. Jane remembered to have been told a lot about Mr Rochester. 3. The children were delighted to have been brought to the circus. 4. I am sorry to have spoilt your mood. 5. Maggie was very sorry to have forgotten to feed the rabbits. 6. I am awfully glad to have met you. 7. Sorry to have placed you in this disagreeable Situation. 8. I am very happy to have had the pleasure of making your acquaintance. 9. I am sorry to have kept you waiting. 10. Clyde was awfully glad to have renewed his acquaintance with Sondra. 11. Sorry not to have noticed you. 12. I am sorry to have added some more trouble by what I have told you. 13. When Clyde looked at the girl closely, he remembered to have seen her in Sondra's Company. 14. I remembered to have been moved1 by the scene I witnessed.

Формы инфинитива




Indefinite (Simple)

to write

to be written


to be writing



to have written

to have been written

Perfect Continuous

to have been writing







Что значат эти формы? Рассмотрите предложения, иллюстрирующие значение разных форм инфинитива.

Чему я рад?


Indefinite (Simple)

1 am glad to speak to you.

Рад поговорить с ва­ми. (Всегда радуюсь, когда говорю с вами.)


1 am glad to be speaklng to you.

Рад, что сейчас раз­говариваю с вами.


1 am glad to have spoken to you.

Рад, что поговорил с вами.

Perfect Continu­ous

1 am glad to have been speaking to you.

Рад, что уже давно (все это время) раз­говариваю с вами.


Indefinite (Simple)

1 am (always) glad to be told the news.

Всегда рад, когда мне рассказывают новости.


1 am glad to have been told the news.

Рад, что мне расска­зали новости.

Упражнение 373

Замените выделенные части предложений инфи­нитивными оборотами.

• E.g. Не is sorry that he has said it. He is sorry to have he said it.

1. It is certain that it will rain if you don't take your umbrella. 2. Don't promise that you will do it, if you are not sure that you can. 3. He was happy that he was praised by everybody. 4. He was very proud that he had helped his eider brother. 5. She was sorry that she had missed the beginning of the concert. 6. I am glad that I see all my friends here. 7. I was afraid of going past that place alone. 8. My sister will be thrilled when she is wearing a dress as lovely as that. 9. We must wait tili we hear the exam results. 10. She is happy that she has found such a nice place to live in. 11. I should be delighted if I could join you. 12. He hopes that he will know everything by tomorrow. 13. I was lucky that I had attended this concert.


Упражнение 374

Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся фор­му инфинитива.

1. Не seems (to read) а lot. 2. Не seems (to read) now. 3. He seems (to read) since morning. 4. He seems (to read) all the books in the library. 5.1 want (to take) you to the concert. 6. I want (to take) to the concert by my father. 7. She hoped (to help) her friends. 8. She hoped (to help) by her friends. 9.1 hope (to see) you soon. 10. We expect (to be) back in two days. 11. He expected (to help) by the teacher.

The children seem (to play) since morning.

I am glad (to do) all the homework yesterday.

14. She seems (to work) at this problem ever since she came here. 15. I am sorry (to break) your cup. 16. His English seems (to get) better. 17. He is glad (to help) with his health problems.


Упражнение 375

Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся фор­му инфинитива.

1.1 hate (to bother) you, but the students are still waiting (to give) books for their work. 2. He seized every opportunity (to appear) in public: he was so anxious (to talk) about. 3. Is there anything eise (to teil) her? I believe she deserves (to know) the state of her sick brother. 4. He began writing books not because he wanted (to earn) a Irving. He wanted (to read) and not (to forget). 5. I consider myself lucky (to be) to that famous exhibition and (to see) so many wonderful paintings. 6. He seems (to know) French very well: he is said (to spend) his youth in Paris. 7. The enemy army was reported (to overthrow) the defence lines and (to advance) towards the sub-urbs of the city. 8. The woman pretended (to read) and (not to hear) the bell. 9. You seem (to look) for trouble. 10. It seemed (to snow) heavily since early morning: the ground was covered with a deep layer of snow. 11. They seemed (to quarrel): I could hear angry voices from behind the door. 12. They are supposed (to work) on the problem for the last two months. 13. The only sound (to hear) was the snor-ing of grandfather in the bedroom. 14. Her ring was believed (to lose) until she happened (to find) it during the general cleaning. It turned out (to drop) between the sofa and the wall. 15. They seemed (to wait) for ages.

Упражнение 376

Переведите на английский язык, употребляя требующуюся форму инфинитива.

1. Я рад, что рассказал вам эту историю. 2. Я рад, что мне рассказали эту историю. 3. Я хочу по­знакомить вас с этой артисткой. 4. Я хочу, чтобы меня познакомили с этой артисткой. 5. Я рад, что встретил ее на станции. 6. Я рад, что меня встретили на станции. 7. Мы очень счастливы, что пригласили его на вечер. 8. Мы очень счастливы, что нас пригласили на вечер. 9. Он будет счаст­лив посетить эту знаменитую картинную галерею. 10. Он был счастлив, что посетил эту знаменитую картинную галерею. 11. Дети любят, когда им рассказывают сказки. 12. Я не предполагал оста­навливаться на этой станции. 13. Я не ожидал, что меня остановят. 14. Я сожалею, что причинил вам столько беспокойства. 15. Он не выносит1, когда ему лгут. 16. Я вспомнил, что уже встречал это слово в какой-то книге. 17. Мне очень жаль, что я пропу­стил эту интересную лекцию. 18. Она счастлива, что слышала концерт известного итальянского дири­жера. 19. Она рада, что присутствовала на лекции.

1 не выносит — hat es.

Он очень доволен, что закончил свою книгу.

Наши спортсмены гордятся тем, что выиграли кубок. 22. Я только хочу, чтобы мне позволили помочь вам. 23. Я был благодарен, что мне дали комнату с большим окном. 24. Он был счастлив, что вернулся домой. 25. Он был счастлив, что снова дома. 26. Я сожалею, что прервал вас. 27. Я сожа­лею, что не застала вас дома. 28. Джейн была счаст­лива, что уезжает от миссис Рид. 29. Рочестер был рад познакомиться с Джейн. 30. Рочестер был рад, что познакомился с Джейн.




She watched the children writing the dictation. Writing the dictation, he made only one mistake. The dictation written the day before was corrected.


Упражнение 377

Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастия.

1. Everybody looked at the dancing girl. 2. The lit­tle plump woman standing at the window is my grand-mother. 3. The man playing the piano is Kate's uncle. 4. Entering the room, she turned on the light. 5. Com­ing to the theatre, she saw that the Performance had already begun. 6. Looking out of the window, he saw his mother watering the flowers. 7. Hearing the sounds of music, we stopped talking. 8. She went into the room, leaving the door open. 9. Working at his desk, he listened to a new CD. 10. Frankly speaking, he has made a terrible mistake. 11. Looking through the newspaper, she noticed a photograph of her boss. 12. Using chemicals, the firemen soon put out the fire in the forest.

Упражнение 378

Замените придаточные определительные пред­ложения причастными оборотами.

1. All the people who live in this house are stu­dents. 2. The woman who is speaking now is our sec-retary. 3. The apparatus that Stands on the table in the corner of the laboratory is quite new. 4. The young man who helps the professor in his experiments studies at our university. 5. People who borrow books from the library must return them on time. 6. There are many pupils in our class who take part in all kinds of extracurricular activities.


Упражнение 379

Замените придаточные предложения причины причастными оборотами.

1. As he now feit more at ease, the man spoke in a louder voice. 2. Since he knew who the man was, Robert was very pleased to have the chance of talking to him. 3. As he thought that it was his brother at the window, Steve decided to open it. 4. As the peo­ple were afraid of falling into a ditch in the dark-ness at any moment, they feit their way about very carefully. 5. Since he needed a shelter for the night, Peter decided to go to the neighbours' house.


Упражнение 380

Замените придаточные предложения времени при­частными оборотами (не опускайте союз when).

1. You must have more practice when you are learning to speak a foreign language. 2. When you speak English, pay more attention to the word order. 3. When you are copying English texts, pay atten­tion to the articles. 4. When you begin to work with the dictionary, don't forget my Instructions. 5. Be careful when you are crossing a street. 6. When you are leaving the room, don't forget to switch off the light. 7. When they were travelling in Central Africa, the explorers met many wild animals.



Past Participle = Participle II

broken — сломанный, разбитый written — написанный eaten — съеденный

Упражнение 381

Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на Past Participle.

1. She put a plate of fried fish in front of me.

The coat bought last year is too small for me now.

Nobody saw the things kept in that box. 4. My sister likes boiled eggs. 5. We stopped before a shut door. 6. Tied to the tree, the goat could not run away. 7. They saw overturned tables and chairs and pieces of broken glass all over the room. 8. This is a church built many years ago. 9. The books written by Dickens give us a realistic picture of the 19th Century England. 10. The stolen money was returned to the bank. 11. It's no good crying over spilt milk.

III форма глагола

Сравните употребление Participle I (ing-форма)
_________ и Participle II (III форма глагола) _______

taking — берущий, беря taken — взятый doing — делающий, делая done — сделанный


Упражнение 382

Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на Participle I и Participle II.

1. а) А letter sent from St Petersburg today will be

in Moscow tomorrow.

He saw some people in the post office sending telegrams.

When sending the telegram, she forgot to write her name.

2. a) Some of the questions put to the lecturer yes-

terday were very important.

The girl putting the book on the shelf is the new librarian.

While putting the eggs into the basket, she broke one of them.

3. а) A fish taken out of the water cannot live.

A person sunbathing on the beach must be very careful.

Taking a dictionary, he began to translate the text.

4. а) A line seen through this crystal looks double.

A teacher seeing a mistake in a student's dictation always corrects it.

Seeing clouds of smoke over the house, the girl cried, "Fire! Fire!"

5. a) The word pronounced by the student was not


b) The man standing at the door of the train carriage and saying goodbye to his friends is a well-known musician.

с) Standing at the window, she was waving her hand.

6. a) The right word spoken at the right time may have very important results.

The students speaking good English must help their classmates.

The child was interested in the talkirig doli.

While speaking to Nick some days ago, Iforgot to ask him about his sister.


Упражнение 383

Выберите из скобок требующуюся форму при­частия.

1. а) The girl (writing, written) on the blackboard

is our best pupil. b) Everything (writing, written) here is quite right.

2. a) We listened to the girls (singing, sung) Rus-

sian folk songs. b) We listened to the Russian folk songs (sing­ing, sung) by the girls.

3. a) The girl (washing, washed) the dishes is my


b) The dishes (washing, washed) by Kate looked very clean.

4. a) Who is that boy (doing, done) his homework

at that table? b) The exercises (doing, done) by the pupils were easy.

5. a) The house (sürrounding, surrounded) by tall

trees is lovely. b) The wall (sürrounding, surrounded) the house was very high.

6. Read the (translating, translated) sentences once


Name some places (visiting, visited) by you last year.

I picked up the pencil (lying, lain) on the floor.

She was reading the book (buying, bought) the day before.


Yesterday we were at a Conference (organizing, organized) by the pupils of the lOth form.

(Taking, taken) the girl by the hand, she led her across the street.

It was not easy to find the (losing, lost) stamp.

I shall show you a picture (painting, painted) by Hogarth.

Here is the letter (receiving, received) by me yesterday.

Do you know the girl (playing, played) in the gar­den?

The book (writing, written) by this scientist is very interesting.

Translate the words (writing, written) on the blackboard.

We could not see the sun (covering, covered) by dark clouds.

The (losing, lost) book was found at last.

(Going, gone) along the street, I met Mary and Ann.

Look at the beautiful flowers (gathering, gath-ered) by the children.

His hat (blowing, blown) off by the wind was lying in the middle of the street.

"How do you like the film?" he asked, (turning, turned) towards me.

When we came nearer, we saw two boys (coming, come) towards us,

25.1 think that the boy (standing, stood) there is his brother.

Сравните употребление Present Participle и Perfect Participle


buying — покупая having bought — купив


Упражнение 384

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Participle или Perfect Participle.

1. (to do) his homework, he was thinking hard. 2. (to do) his homework, he went for a walk. 3. (to seil) fruit, he looked back from time to time, hoping to see his friends. 4. (to seil) all the fruit, he went to see his friends. 5. (to eat) all the potatoes, she drank а cup of tea. 6. (to drink) tea, she scalded her lips. 7. (to run) in the yard, I feil and hurt my knee. 8. (to look) through some magazines, I came across an in­teresting article about UFOs. 9. (to write) out and (to learn) all the new words, he was able to translate the text easily. 10. (to live) in the south of our country, he cannot enjoy the beauty of St Petersburg's White Nights in summer. 11. (to talk) to her neighbour in the street, she did not notice how a thief stole her money. 12. (to read) the story, she closed the book and put it on the shelf. 13. (to buy) some juice and cakes, we went home. 14. (to sit) near the fire, he feit very warm.



Формы причастия




Present Perfect Past


having written

being written having been written written

Как переводить разные формы причастия на русский язык:

Формы причастия

Как их переводить






having read


being read


(т. е. который читают)

будучи читаемым

(т. е. когда его читали), будучи прочитанным

(т. е. когда его прочитали)

having been read

будучи прочитанным

(т. е. когда его прочитали)






having built


being built


(т. е. который строят)

будучи строящимся

(т. е. когда его строили) будучи построенным

(т. е. когда его построили)

having been built


будучи построенным

(т. е. когда его построили)





Упражнение 385

Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастия.

1. The boy lay sleeping when the doctor came.

The broken arm was examined by the doctor.

While being examined, the boy could not help cry-ing. 4. Having prescribed the medicine, the doctor went away. 5. The medicine prescribed by the doctor was bitter. 6. The dress bought at the department

1 Действительное причастие совершенного вида (а также несовершенного вида прошедшего времени) может быть пере­ведено на английский язык только придаточным определи­тельным предложением (who threw, who has thrown, who had thrown).

störe was very beautiful. 7. While using a needle, you should be careful not to prick your finger. 8. While crossing the street, one should first look to the left and then to the right. 9. People watching a Performance are called an audience. 10. Being very ill, she could not go to school. 11. The first rays of the rising sun lit up the top of the hill. 12. The tree Struck by lightning was all black and leafless. 13. Be­ing busy, he postponed his trip. 14. The door bolted on the inside could not be opened. 15. Having been shown the wrong direction, the travellers soon lost their way. 16. The room facing the garden is much more comfortable than this one. 17. Having de-scended the mountain, they heard a man calling for help. 18. Flushed and excited, the boy came running to his mother. 19. He stood watching the people who were coming down the street shouting and waving their hands.









Обратите внимание на способы перевода на английский язык русских причастий:


действи­тельный залог

несовершен­ный вид

бросающий, бросавший



совершен­ный вид



страда­тельный залог

несовершен­ный вид


being thrown

совершен­ный вид



Обратите внимание на способы перевода на английский язык русских деепричастий:


действи­тельный залог

несовершен­ный вид



совершен­ный вид


having thrown

страда­тельный залог

несовершен­ный вид

будучи бросаемым

being thrown

совершен­ный вид

будучи брошенным

being thrown having been thrown



Упражнение 386

Переведите следующие русские причастия и дее­причастия на английский язык.

Приносящий, принесенный, принося, принеся, переводящий, переведенный, переводя, переведя, давая, написав, читающий, берущий, данный, про­читав, сделанный, пьющий, сказанный, будучи по­терянным, нарисовав, написавший, делая, взятый, взяв, рисуя, выпитый, сделав, идя, пишущий, про­читанный, дав, рисующий, делающий, нарисован­ный, выпив, говорящий, беря, написанный, читая, идущий, дающий, сказав, сидевший, посмотрев, бу­дучи забыт, строящий, строящийся, играя, поиграв, рассказанный, рассказавший, видя, принесший, будучи принесенным, построенный, продав.


Упражнение 387

В следующих предложениях употребите, где возмож­но, причастия вместо глаголов в личной форме. Изме­няйте конструкцию предложения, где необходимо.

1. When he was running across the yard, he feil. 2. When I was going home yesterday, I kept thinking about my friend. 3. He put on his coat, went out and looked at the cars which were passing by. 4. She closed the book, put it aside and looked at the children who were running about in the yard. 5. As the book was translated into Russian, it could be read by every­body. 6. As we were given dictionaries, we managed to translate the article easily. 7. As soon as I have done my homework, I shall go for a walk. 8. As soon as I have bought the book, I shall begin reading it.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-29; просмотров: 23 | Нарушение авторских прав

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