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International research and practice conference: «Activity of public government bodies in relation to providing of stability and safety of society»

International research and practice conference: «Activity of public government bodies in relation to providing of stability and safety of society»

Міжнародна науково – практична конференція «Діяльність органів публічної влади щодо забезпечення стабільності та безпеки суспільства»

Date: 21-22 May 2015

Location: Ukraine, Sumy, Sumy State University.

Conference languages: Ukrainian, English, Polish and Russian.

Format of participation: Full and part-time participation.

Conditions of participation: if you want to take part in the conference, you should send an electronic version of your article, an application for the participation and the payment bill, which must be scanned or photocopied until 15 April 2015 Link for application form: http://goo.gl/forms/Cqj6qxb1Ir

Email for article - conferencesumdu@gmail.com

Participation for foreign students and scholars is free. Confirmation of participation and acceptance of publication will be sent by e-mail. In case of non conformity of the requirements of participation, your article will not be published. If you take part in full-time format, organizers can provide you hostel.


The main directions of the conference:
1. Labor law and social security law;
2. Administrative law and process, financial and information law;
3. Criminal law and procedure, criminology;
4. Civil law;
5. Constitutional law;
6. Theory and History of the State and Law.


Requirements to the article

1. The amount of text from 3 to 5 pages, typed on a computer, a text editor Word for Windows (extension.doc,.docx). Line spacing - 1.5, paragraph - 1.25 cm. All oundaries - 2 cm. Font - Times New Roman. Point size -14.

2. The order of an article

- title of the article in bold capital letters in the middle;

- on the right side of the sheet - name and surname of the author, department, name of the university; next line – name and surname, academic degree, of the adviser;

- the next line – the text of article.

Article must include references. References in the text should be kept in square brackets according to the Form 23 VAK of Ukraine. (eg, [5, c. 43]).

3. Thesis, scanned or photocopied payment bill, application for participation in the conference should be contained in different files.



Municipal Law of Ukraine and France: the comparative


Ivanov M.I,

Law Department, Sumy State University

Lybid A.V.,

Ph.D., docent of the Department of AELFES,

Sumy State University

Text of article


1. Andrijko O.F. State Control in Ukraine / O.F. Andrijko. – K.: Naukova dumka, 2004. – 230 p.


Financial matters. Participation in the conference and publication of the thesis, and sending of a copy of the authorial copy (in case of external participation) costs 80 UAH. For Members of The Bar Association of Students League of Ukraine – 70 UAH.



Deputy Dean for Research, Department of Law:

Ph.D. Oleg Reznik,

Secretary of the Commission:

Ph.D., Maria Kolesnikova,

Head of the Sumy Students League of UBA:

Maryna Kysloschaeva,

Student’s Dean of the Law Department of Sumy State University:

Maryna Utkina,

Дата добавления: 2015-09-29; просмотров: 18 | Нарушение авторских прав

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