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3. to paint / draw from nature (life)

Topical Vocabulary: Art


General Vocabulary

1. a painter / artist

2. to paint a picture

3. to paint / draw from nature (life)

4. to paint in oils (water-colours)

5. to represent/ depict/ portray smth

6. a realistic (life-like, faithful, true-to-life) representation

7. a brush stroke

8. an outline

9. a motif

10. a sketch; a still-life; a landscape; a rural (town, city) landscape; a sea-scape; a portrait

11. a nude

12. a sitter


Composition of a picture

13. in the foreground (background)

14. to stand (jump) out against the background

15. to blend/ melt into the background

16. at the base of the picture

17. to use perspective for a three-dimensional effect

18. the composition is lacking depth

19. the composition is simple and easy-taken

20. the focal point of the painting

21. a perfect harmony between…

22. to be sharply drawn


Colour Scheme and Light Effects

23. You can use different terms to speak about colour: primary colour, hue, tinge, tint, tone, shade. Look up the meaning of these words in an English-English dictionary and match them to the definitions below:

a) one of the three colours, which in paint, etc. are red, yellow or blue, that can be mixed together in different ways to make any other colour

b) a variety or degree of a colour

c) a form or degree of a colour

d) a degree of lightness, darkness, strength, etc. of a colour

e) a small amount of a colour

f) a very slight amount of a colour or of a feeling

Insert the ‘colour’ terms in the sentences below:

1) Their kitchen is painted an unusual _______ of yellow.

2) The paint we're using for the bathroom is white with a yellow ________.

3) His hair is starting to show ________s of grey.

4) In the Caribbean waters there are fish of every _________.

5) I have a _________ of regret that I didn't accept her offer.

24. Colours can be: warm, cool, rich, vital, blaring, saturated, subdued, sombre.

25. a limited range of colours

26. predominant colours

27. contrasting tones; to use high contrast colours

28. a light palette

29. the play of light and shade

30. to be flooded with sun

31. in partial (full, complete) shadow; a soft shadow





32. horizontal

33. perpendicular / vertical

34. parallel

35. straight

36. oblique / slanting

37. crooked

38. curved; a gentle curve

39. a semi-circular line

40. dotted

41. jagged

42. to bisect by a line


43. circle

44. oval

45. square

46. rectangle; rectangular

47. rhombus

48. hexagon

49. octagon

50. triangle; triangular

51. sphere; spherical

52. cube

53. cone; conical

54. cylinder; cylindrical / log-shaped

55. oblong

56. concave

57. convex

58. crescent-shaped

59. semi-circular / half-moon shaped

60. jagged

61. serrated

62. pear-shaped

63. pointed

64. pyramid-shaped

65. spiral

66. three-sided

67. wedge-shaped


68. amber

69. beige

70. black

71. bottle green

72. brick red

73. bright orange

74. bright pink

75. brilliant white

76. bronze

77. brownish

78. buff

79. charcoal grey

80. chocolate

81. coffee-coloured

82. copper

83. cream-coloured

84. crimson

85. dark brown

86. dazzling white

87. deep blue

88. emerald green

89. fawn

90. flesh-coloured

91. gingery red

92. golden

93. greeny-blue

94. greyish

95. indigo

96. jet black

97. khaki

98. lavender

99. lemon

100. light green

101. lilac

102. lime green

103. maroon

104. mauve

105. mottled blue and green

106. multi-coloured

107. navy blue

108. off-white

109. olive green

110. pale blue

111. peach

112. pearl

113. pitch black

114. pure white

115. purple

116. reddish

117. reddish-brown

118. rose

119. royal blue

120. russet

121. rust-coloured

122. salmon pink

123. sandy-coloured

124. scarlet

125. sea green

126. shocking pink

127. silvery grey

128. sky blue

129. smokey-grey

130. steel blue

131. straw-coloured

132. tan

133. tangerine

134. turquoise

135. violet

136. white

137. whitish

138. yellowish



139. green with envy

140. to be green

141. to turn purple / white with rage

142. blue movie

143. to feel blue

144. once in a blue moon

145. out of the blue

146. blue-collar worker

147. to have blue blood

148. a black sheep

149. black market

150. blacklist

151. black and blue

152. in black and white

153. black look

154. blackleg

155. he is not so black as he is painted

156. as red as a beetroot

157. red light district

158. red-letter day

159. red tape

160. to be in the red

161. to be caught red-handed

162. to be yellow

163. to be blue with cold

164. as white as a sheet

165. to look at the world through rose-tinted (rose-coloured) spectacles

166. white wedding


Translate the sentences using the topical vocabulary:


1. Её новый мобильный телефон продолговатой формы и отливает стальным блеском.

2. Приятно было сидеть за новым овальным обеденным столом из дуба. Он был покрыт лаком янтарного цвета.

3. Гости расположились в комнате полукругом. Хозяин дома был бледный как полотно.

4. Она посмотрела вверх на небо; оно было очень ярким, почти бирюзовым.

5. Грабителя поймали на месте преступления.

6. Густо покраснев от смущения, она пыталась стереть пятно с ослепительно белой блузки.

7. Я очень редко встречаюсь с друзьями, и тот день, когда мы, наконец, собираемся, – настоящий праздник для меня!

8. Начальник потребовал отчет в письменной форме.

9. Две параллельные линии никогда не пересекаются.

10. Он побагровел от ярости, когда узнал, что собака сгрызла его остроносые туфли.

11. На картине было изображено несколько багровых и ярко розовых прямоугольников перемешанных с серповидными пятнами. Я сразу понял, что это произведение написал художник-абстракционист.




Colour Idioms

Choose the correct colour to complete each sentence:


1) When the visitors from Japan arrived, the company gave them the ________ carpet treatment.

2) Julie’s letter was unexpected. It arrived completely out of the _________.

3) The ______-collar workers received a rise, but the workers on the shop-floor were told they had to wait.

4) Don't tell him you're a vegetarian - it's like a _________ rag to a bull.

5) I’m all ______ and _______ after being in that crowded underground train for half an hour.

6) When Bill saw my new car, he was _________ with envy.

7) We decided to celebrate by going out and painting the town________.

8) He had a fight at school and came home with a __________ eye.

9) Tina never comes here now. We only see her once in a __________ moon.

10) Tony can’t be trusted yet with too much responsibility, he’s still ___________.

11) You can talk to him until you’re _________ in the face, but he still won’t understand.

12) She's always looked at life through _____________-tinted spectacles.

13) She was in one of her __________ moods today.

14) The company fell deeper and deeper into the ___________ and then went bankrupt.

15) This new car is seen as the great __________ hope of the British motor industry.

16) He was caught ______-handed taking money from the till.

17) I couldn't believe it was true, but there it was, in _________ and white.

18) When I see people dropping litter in the street, it really makes me see _______.

19) Things are going very well for Brenda at the moment. When I saw her, she really looked in the ______.

20) That office block they built has turned out to be a real _________ elephant. They spent the earth on it and it’s still unoccupied.

21) The sales figures are down again and the boss is screaming _________ murder.

22) When his father told him later he couldn’t have a new bike, he went _________ with rage.

23) The student went as _____ as a beetroot when the lecturer gave her one of her famous ____ looks.

24) You can be sure to find quite a few _____ movies in that ____ light district.

25) I can’t really believe that Nero was as ____ as he is painted.

26) You are _____! You’re just afraid of what your wife will say.

27) I feel so ____ when I see you, hand-in-hand with another man.

28) My fingers were ____ with cold and I imagine my face was as _____ as a sheet.

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