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myself – сам (сама) ripe – спелый

A Grain of Wheat

myself – сам (сама) ripe – спелый

herself – сама a grain of wheat – зёрнышко пшеницы

The little Grey Mouse was walking in the farmyard with her baby mice, when she found a grain of wheat.

"Who will plant this wheat?" she asked.

"I won’t," said the Hen, “I’m too busy now. I’m going for a walk.”

"I won’t, either. It’s so hot today and I’m going to swim in the pond," said the Duck.

"OK, I will do it myself," said the Little Grey Mouse, and she planted the grain of wheat.

When the wheat was ripe she said, "Who will take this wheat to the mill?"

"Not I," said the Hen.

"Not I," said the Duck.

"Fine, I’ll do it myself again," said the Little Grey Mouse, and she took the wheat to the mill.

When she brought the flour home she said, "Who will make some bread with this flour?"

"I’m too tired today," said the Hen.

"Me too," added the Duck.

And the Little Grey Mouse baked the bread herself.

When the bread was ready, she asked, "Who will eat this bread?"

"I will," said the Hen.

"I will," said the Duck.

"No, you won't,” said the Little Grey Mouse. “I’ll eat it myself.” And she called her little baby mice to help her.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-29; просмотров: 23 | Нарушение авторских прав

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