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Психология двусторонний перевод:



1. Каких известных психологов Вы знаете?

2. Чем известен Зигмунд Фрейд?


3. Что он разработал?


4. На чем сосредотачивается психоанализ?

5. Что является тремя частями человеческой психики согласно Фрейду?

6. Что делает конфликт между ними?


7. Как психоанализ помогает?

8. Каковы этапы психоанализа?

- I know different psychologists such as Weber, Wandt, Binet, Charcot, Freud and others.

- Sigmund Freud was the first psychologist who recognized the importance of the unconscious mind.

- He developed the main principles, objectives and methodology of psychoanalysis.

- Psychoanalysis focuses on the unconscious mind.


- According to Freud, there are three parts of the human psychic: the id, the ego and the superego.


- The conflict between these parts produces unhappiness and mental illnesses.

- Psychoanalysis helps to remove neuroses.

- There are several steps of psychoanalysis: First, the psychoanalyst gathers material from the patient's free associations, dreams and slips. Then he forms hypotheses about what happened to the patient in the past. Finally, he and the patient make conclusions about the problems.


1.Что такое бихевиоризм?


2.Что изучают психологи бихевиористы?


3.Что они думают о влиянии окружающей среды на поведение?

4.Кто были первыми бихевиористами?


5.Чем известен русский психолог Павлов?

6.Какие теории разработали американские бихевиористы?

7.В чем заключались эти теории?

8.Какие факторы отрицал Джон Уотсон?

- Behaviorism is the teaching that says the psychology must focus its attention on what is observable.

- Behaviorist psychologists study observable behavior because perceptions, thoughts images and feelings are subjective and can’t lead to an objective science.

- They argue that the environment has a very strong influence on our behavior.

- Ivan Sechenov, Vladimir Bekhterev and Ivan Pavlov were the first behaviorists.

- The Russian psychologist Pavlov is primarily associated with conditioned reflex.

- American behaviorists Watson, Thorndike and Skinner developed theories of learning drawing on the works of Pavlov.

- They were the law of exercise and the law of effect.

- John Watson denied the existence of any human instincts, inherited capacities or talents, and temperaments.


1. Что такое когнитивное направление в психологии?

2. Что изучают когнитивные психологи?


3. С чем сравнивают когнитивные психологи работу мозга человека?


4. Вы знаете первых психологов когнитивного направления?

5. К чему стремились когнитивные психологи?


6. Какую методику они использовали?


7. Когнитивное направление связано только с психологами?

8. В каких областях психологии можно найти когнитивные теории?

- Cognition means «knowing». It investigates the ways in which people gain, use and retain knowledge.

- Cognitive psychologists study perception, attention, memory, thinking, language and problem solving.

- Cognitive psychology compares the human mind to a computer, human mental processes act similar to software running on the computer that is the brain.

- The first famous cognitive psychologists were Ulrich Neisser and Donald Broadbent.

- Cognitive psychologists tried to explain artificial intelligence and abnormality.

- They used different experimental techniques including laboratory-based research with normal and brain-damaged subjects.

- Cognitive movement involves specialists in computer technology and the field of artificial intelligence.

- We can find cognitive theories within social psychology, personality, abnormal psychology, developmental psychology.


1. Что изучает психология?

2. Какие существуют основные направления в психологии?


3. Что предполагает структурализм?


4. Какие функции исследует функционализм?

5. Как психоанализ объясняет поведение человека?

6. Что предлагал бихевиоризм?


7. Как исследует разум человека когнитивная психология?


8. Чем отличаются гуманистическое направление от биологического?



- Psychology studies the mind, behaviour and mental processes.

- There are different approaches in psychology: structuralism, functionalism, psychoanalysis, cognitive psychology, the humanistic approach, the biological approach.

- Structuralism suggests that the object of psychological investigation should be the conscious mind.

- Functionalism investigates what behaviour and thoughts are for because our mind works to survive and adapt.

- Psychoanalysis determines our behaviour by processes of the unconscious mind.

- Behaviorism investigated "minds" and proposed that psychology should investigate only observable behavior.

- Cognitive psychology investigates the mind by using computer information processing ideas, our brain works like computer operates.

- Humanistic psychologists argued that psychology should focus on each individual’s conscious experience and aims in life. The biological approach has advanced evolutionary, physiological and genetic explanation for human behavior.


1. На чем основана Арт-терапия?


2. Как арт-терапевт помогает человеку?


3. Что включает арт-терапия?


4. Когда она появилась?



5. Что обнаружили преподаватели искусства?


6. Где работают Арт-терапевты?


7. Как арт-терапевты рассматривают творческие изделия пациентов


8. Каких пациентов лечит арт-

9. терапия?

- Art therapy is based on the belief that the creative process involved in the making of art is healing and life-enhancing.

- An art therapist helps a person cope with stress and traumatic experiences through creating art and talking about art and the process of art making.

- Art therapy includes visual arts therapy, dance therapy, drama therapy, music therapy, poetry therapy and psychodrama.

- Art therapy emerged in the 1930's when psychiatrists became interested in the art work done by patients and studied it. They wanted to see if there was a link between the art and the illness of their patients.

- Art educators discovered that the free and spontaneous art expression of children represented both emotional and symbolic communications.

- Art therapists work as part of clinical teams, in settings that include mental health, rehabilitation, medical and forensic institutions, wellness centers, schools, nursing homes, corporate structures, art studios, and independent practices. They are skilled in the application of drawing, painting, clay, and other mediums for treatment and assessment.

- Art therapy considers the created art productions as reflections of an individual's development, abilities, personality, interests, concerns, and conflicts.


- Art therapy treats the patients with developmental, medical, educational, social or psychological problems.



1. Что представляет собой лечение танцем?

2. В какой форме проявляются умственные и эмоциональные проблемы?


3. Как воздействует на человека движение в группе?


4. Как расслабляют человека ритмические движения?

5. Чему учат человека спонтанные движения?

6. Как помогают человеку творческие движения?

7. Какую пользу приносит человеку лечение танцем на физическом, эмоциональном и умственном уровнях?



8. Терапевт работает с пациентами только индивидуально?

- Dance therapy is the use of movement as a way of treating social, emotional, cognitive and physical problems.

- Dance therapists believe that mental and emotional problems are often held in the body in the form of muscle tension. They believe that the state of the body can affect attitude and feelings, both positively and negatively.

- Moving as a group brings people out of isolation, creates powerful social and emotional bonds, and generates the good feelings that come from being with others.

- Moving rhythmically eases, generates muscular rigidity, diminishes anxiety, and increases energy.

- Moving spontaneously helps people learn to recognize and trust their impulses.

- Moving creatively helps self-expression and opens up new ways of thinking and doing.

- On a physical level, dance therapy provides the benefits of exercise: improved health, coordination, and muscle tone. On an emotional level, it helps people feel more joyful and confident, and allows them to explore anger, frustration and loss. On a mental level, dance therapy seeks to enhance cognitive skills, motivation, and memory.

- Patients can work with a dance therapist in private practice or in the context of a treatment team.



1. Что такое биполярное расстройство?

2. В чем выражаются его симптомы?


3. Как меняется настроение человека при маниакально-депрессивном психозе?

4. Каковы симптомы мании?


5. Что включают симптомы депрессии?



6. Что испытывают люди при депрессии?


7. Почему биполярное расстройство является хроническим?


8. Есть ли исцеление от биполярного расстройства?

- Bipolar disorder is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in a person's mood, energy, and ability to function.

- The symptoms can result in damaged relationships, poor job or school performance, and even suicide.

- Mood changes include extreme highs, extreme lows, and periods of normal functioning.



- Signs and symptoms of mania include: increased energy, activity, and restlessness, euphoric mood; extreme irritability; racing thoughts, distractibility. People have unrealistic beliefs in one's abilities and powers; poor judgment; aggressive behaviour; denial that anything is wrong.

- Signs and symptoms of depression include: lasting sad, anxious, or empty mood, feelings of hopelessness or pessimism; feelings of guilt, of fatigue worthlessness, or helplessness.

- People with depression sleep too much, or can't sleep. They feel restlessness or irritability, chronic pain or other bodily symptoms that are not caused by physical illness or injury.

- Bipolar disorder is a chronic disorder. After an initial episode, people usually experience alternating periods of mania, depression and wellness for the rest of their lives.

- There is currently no cure for bipolar disorder. Treatment of bipolar disorder includes, medications known as "mood stabilizers" which help control bipolar disorder even during wellness.



1. С чем связано большинство заболеваний?

2. Достаточно ли для уменьшения вредного воздействия идентифицировать постоянный стресс?

3. Что следует определить прежде всего?

4. Существует много источников стресса, не так ли?


5. Если мы не можем полностью избавиться от источника стресса, что нам следует делать?

6. Что еще вы советуете?

7. \

8. Как это сделать?


9. Как мне поддерживать эмоциональные резервы?

- Most illnesses are related to unrelieved stress.


- Identifying unrelieved stress and being aware of its effect on our lives is not sufficient for reducing its harmful effects. You need to reduce the stress in your life and to improve your ability to manage it.

- First of all, determine what events distress you and how your body responds to the stress.

- There are many sources of stress and there are many possibilities for its management. You need to change the source of stress and/or change your reaction to it.

- You should try to change your stressors and reduce their intensity or shorten your exposure to stress, try to temper your emotional reactions to stress.

- I advise you learn to moderate your physical reactions to stress.

- You can breathe deep and slowly, it will bring your heart rate and respiration back to normal. Build your physical reserves such as exercises for cardiovascular fitness and ideal weight. Mix leisure with work and get enough sleep.

- In order to maintain your emotional reserves develop friendships and be a friend to yourself.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-28; просмотров: 108 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Коловрат. “Воздействие звука на человека” | Психология и психотерапия насилия. Ребенок в кризисной ситуации (книга) 1 страница

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