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Use the words in brackets, and put them in the gaps in the Past Simple or the Present Perfect.

Читайте также:
  2. A) In small groups discuss criteria for a successful presentation and design a form of an evaluation sheet.
  3. a) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present forms.
  4. Active voice, Present Simple
  6. Archibald Josef Cronin – a representative of realism in contemporary Eng­lish literature.
  7. B) According to the purpose of a presentation we can differentiate its various types. Match the presentation types (A-H) to the things (1-8) that people say at them.

Policeman: Mr. Leach, how many times (you/be) in prison? Jim Leach: Twice.

Policeman: When (you/finish) your last prison sentence? Jim Leach: I (come) out of prison about 6 months ago.

Policeman: How long (you/live) in this town? Jim Leach: About 7 years. I (move) here when I got married.

Policeman: So you (be) married for seven years. Jim Leach: No, my wife (leave) me two years ago.

Policeman: (you/see) her in the last few weeks? Jim Leach: No, she (phone) me a few days ago. I (meet) her once about

a year ago, but I (not/see) her since then.

Exercise 23 p. 63. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Present Indefinite or the Present Perfect. Translate into Russian.

1. As a rule I (to have) ham and eggs for breakfast, but this time I (to order) an omelette. 2. This is the house where I (to live), I (to live) here since childhood. 3. Once in a week I (to write) letters home, but I (not to write) one this week, so my next letter must be particularly long. 4. No wonder he (to look) tired after the strain under which he (to be) lately. 5. She just (to ask) a porter to carry her bags as they (to be) too heavy for her. 6. Where (to be) your monitor? —She (to go) to the library. 7. I regularly (to see) him every morning at the tram stop, but I (not to see) him these two or three days. 8. It (to be) cold in winter in Moscow, as a rule? — Yes, generally it (to be), but this winter (to be) exceptionally warm. 9. Why you (not to shave) this morning? — I (to shave) every other day. 10. I always (to want) to have a car of my own.

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Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or the Present Perfect of the verb in brackets.| Exercise 25 p. 64. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Present Perfect, the Present Indefinite or the Past Indefinite.

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