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Role-play the situation in pairs.

Читайте также:
  1. Act out the situation
  2. Assessing the meaning of language units in the text against the contextual situation and the pertaining extralinguistic facts
  3. Avoiding dangerous situations, providing safe movements
  4. Before you listen discuss the questions in pairs.
  5. c) Make up a dialogue (or think of situations or short stories) to illustrate one of the proverbs and sayings.
  6. C) Use the given expressions in situations of your own.
  7. Create your own conversation between a parent and a teenage child about drinking. Follow the tips given below. Role-play the conversation in pairs.

Foreign language - the language of business communication


actually — фактично, насправді; в дійсності; по-правжньому

eventually — у кінцевому підсумку, врешті-решт

adjust —1) упорядковувати, давати лад; улагоджувати, домовлятися; вирішувати (суперечки); урегулювати

2) пристосовувати; приганяти, приладжувати

extended [ik'stendid] — розширений, широкий

opportunity — 1) зручний випадок; сприятлива можливість, нагода 2) можливість, перспектива

rusty— занедбаний, забутий

follow — розуміти; уважно стежити (за ходом думки, словами); слухати; стежити, цікавитися

skim —поверхово знайомитися (з чим-небудь); (over, through) швидко переглядати

by far —явно, загальновизнано, беззаперечно

deal —деяка кількість, частина; велика кількість, купа, сила

conduct —вести, керувати; проводити

furthermore —крім того, до того; більше того

extensively —екстенсивно

therefore —з цієї причини; внаслідок цього, тому, отже

recent —недавній, останній; новий, свіжий, сучасний

opt —вибирати, робити вибір; надавати перевагу

cement —скріплювати нерозривними узами; встановлювати міцний зв'язок

borrowed —1) узятий у борг; позичений 2) чужий, привласнений

literary —1) літературний 2) літературно освічений

Standard English —літературна англійська мова

Cockney —кокні, корінний лондонець (уродженець Лондона, східної частини)

caribou —кариб, канадський олень

1. Match each question (1-6) with the appropriate answer (A-F).

Work in pairs.

1. Do you enjoy learning English? 2. What do you do in your free time? 3. Do you plan to study abroad? 4. Do you have any brothers or sisters? 5.What's your job? 6. Where do you live? a Well, I have one brother and one sister. b I'm afraid I don't like it very much. I think it's really difficult, especially the grammar. c I haven't really decided yet. I guess I'd like to one day, maybe in Canada or Australia. d Actually, my parents moved around a lot and I've lived in many cities. Now I live in Odesa. e I have a part-time job in a local shop. In fact, I've worked there for more than three years. f It depends. I often go out with my friends, but sometimes I enjoy just reading in my room.

Role-play the situation in pairs.

Student A, you're the examiner. Choose some questions from task 1. For each question think of follow-up questions (why, when, where, who with, etc.) and interview student B for 4 or 5 minutes. Listen to student B's answers carefully. Did he or she give short or extended answers?

Student B, you are the student. Imagine you are in the exam. Introduce yourself briefly and then listen to the examiner's questions. Answer as fully as possible, giving two or three additional pieces of information for each question. When you've finished, change roles with your partner.


A: Where do you live?

B: Now I live in London, but before that I have been studying in Ireland — for 2 years. Actually, it was great. I was living in the countryside and it was very peaceful. Not like London — it's so busy and noisy! I
guess I'll get used to London eventually — it just takes time to adjust, doesn't it?

Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 186 | Нарушение авторских прав

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