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Ex. 19. Make the following sentences negative. Then give the right information.

Читайте также:
  1. A. Read the following speech of Kofi Annan, United Nations Secretary General. Make up four questions, ask your partner to answer them.
  2. And write your own sentences with the same word-combinations,
  3. B) Use them in sentences of your own.
  4. B) Write sentences of your own using the phrases in bold type. Address them to the other students who should reply them expressing their approval or disapproval.
  5. Be ready to characterise the economy of the United Kingdom (up to 15 sentences).
  6. C. Bright colours G.City architecture
  7. Change the sentences above which are false so that they are true.


The heart consists of three (four) chambers.

The heart doesn’t consist of three chambers. It consists of four chambers.


1. The muscular structure of the heart consists of atrioventricular (fibrous) bands. 2. The vascular system has three groups of arteries (vessels). 3. The vessels carrying blood to and from the tissues of the body compose the endocrine (general) system. 4. The heart contracts to pump blood through the vessels of the head (body). 5. The heart of a healthy person pumps about 7200 L of blood each month (day).


Ex. 20. Insert the missing words:

1. The heart is a hollow _. 2. It is _ in the thoracic cavity. 3. The heart is responsible for the _ of the blood. 4. The heart is an extraordinary _. 5. The heart makes 72 _ per minute. 6. The heart _ of four chambers. 7. Each chamber is formed by _. 8. The _ chamber is called a ventricle and the upper _ is called an atrium. 9. The cardiac chambers are _ by valves. 10. Between the right _ and the right ventricle there is a _ valve. 11. The mitral (or bicuspid) valve _ the left atrium from the left ventricle. 12. The left ventricle is separated from the right ventricle by the _ septum. 13. The right ventricle pumps _ into the lungs. 14. From the lungs, blood enters the left _ and flows into the left _. 15. The left ventricle pumps _ blood into the aorta for delivery to the body’s _. 16. The heart is surrounded by _.


Ex. 21. A. Try to organize the information of the text in table:

Part of the heart Definition
atrium the upper chamber of the heart
tricuspid valve  
mitral (bicuspid) valve  
interventricular septum  


B. Make up sentences using the data of table and the following model:


Atrium is the upper chamber. or The upper chamber is called an atrium.


Ex. 22. Insert the missing words:

  right atrium   … septum left atrium  
… valve   HEART … valve
  right ventricle   left ventricle  
    … septum    


Ex. 23. Read the following definitions and choose the proper terms from the box:

1. Cavities or chambers such as the upper chambers of the heart, which receive blood from veins and pass the blood to the ventricles. 2. One of two lower chambers of the heart. 3. Pertaining to the lungs. 4. Heart valve between the right atrium and the right ventricle. 5. Heart valve that allows oxygenated blood to move into the left ventricle from the left atrium and prevents the reverse flow. 6. Blood vessel that carries blood back to the heart. 7. Blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to other tissues of the body.

Pulmonary; artery; tricuspid valve; atria; ventricle; vein; mitral valve.


Ex. 24. Do you agree, disagree or partially agree with the statements below?

Suggestions for useful phrases:

When you agree   I totally agree I quite agree I suppose so Quite so There’s no denying it That’s true No doubt   When you disagree   Of course not On the contrary I don’t really think so Nothing of the kind Nonsense Far from it It is out the question I hardly think so When you only partially agree   To a certain extent I am not certain Yes, in a way I agree to some extent

1. The heart is a hollow vertebra. 2. The heart is located in the upper extremity between the lungs. 3. The heart is responsible for the circulation of the blood. 4. The heart rate is 506 beats per minute. 5. Each chamber is formed by ribs. 6. The lower chamber is called a ventricle. 7. The upper chamber is called a trunk. 8. The four chambers of the heart are separated by valves. 9. The tissue of the heart consists of ten lay­ers. 10. The inner linings of the heart are the endocardium and pericardium.


Ex. 25. Speak on:

1. The location and weight of heart;

2. The rate of heartbeat;

3. Heart chambers;

4. Layers of the heart.


Ex. 26. Translate the following sentences into English:

Серце знаходиться|перебуває| в грудній порожнині. Частота серцевих|сердечних| скорочень складає приблизно 72 ударів за хвилину|мінуту|.

Серце складається з чотирьох камер. Вони розділені клапанами. Нижня камера називається шлуночком, а верхня – передсердям. Між правим шлуночком і правим передсердям знаходиться|перебуває| тристулковий клапан. Між лівим шлуночком і лівим передсердям розташований|схильний| двостулковий (мітральний) клапан. Перегородка, яка відокремлює|відділяє| лівий шлуночок від правого шлуночка, називається міжшлуночковою перегородкою.

Серце нагнітає кров по судинах|посудинах| до всіх частин|часток| тіла. Тканина серця складається з трьох шарів – епікарду, міокарду і ендокарду.


Ex. 27. Translate the following interrogative sentences into English:

1. Що таке серце? 2. Де розташоване|схильний| серце? 3. З|із| чого складається серце? 4. Що знаходиться|перебуває| між правим передсердям і правим шлуночком? 5. Який клапан знаходиться|перебуває| між лівим передсердям і лівим шлуночком? 6. Яка перегородка відокремлює|відділяє| лівий шлуночок від правого? 7. З|із| яких шарів складається серце?


Ex. 28. Complete the following dialogues:


– For generations, poets have endowed the human heart with a wide range of emotional abilities. But we (as medical students) must have deep knowledge of anatomy and physiology of human heart. That is why I would like to ask you some questions if you don’t mind. What is a heart?

– _ (muscle)

– Where is the heart located?

– _ (thoracic cavity)

– What is the weight of the heart?

– _ (male – … grams, female – … grams)

– How many litres of blood does the heart pump each day?

– _ (7200 L)



– I know that heart consists of some chambers. What are they?

– _ (atrium, ventricle)

– What is between the right atrium and the right ventricle?

– _ (tricuspid valve)

– What valve separates the left atrium from the left ventricle?

– _ (bicuspid valve)

– What valve separates the left ventricle from the right ventricle?

– _ (interventricular valve)


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